Uhoh: an AI duolingo for any topic
Imagine Duolingo, but for any topic. And only sometimes accurate. That's the idea behind this little AI experiment: Uhohlingo. It's a basic iOS app for learning — but all the content is generated. All you've gotta do is create a new section, name it, and let GPT do the work.
How it works
The prompt is broken down into 20 topics. Each topic is broken down into a couple sections. Each section has a "lesson" (just text, usually pretty dull!) and one or two quiz questions (usually way too easy!). There's also a chat function so you can ask your teacher as much as you want.

Due to the... lying... it's not a practical way to learn many things. Maybe if you're looking to learn something hyper-specific and low-stakes. Either way, it was fun to build!